
   The term “containment” was coined by George F. Kennan in his “long telegram” in 1946 and in his article written under the name “X” in Foreign Affairs in July1947 to describe his recommended response to real or perceived expansion by the Soviet Union. The policy implicitly accepted the presence of Soviet forces in the areas of Eastern Europe occupied after pushing back and defeating the German armies but outlined a constant policy of resistance, primarily by economic means, to any further spread of communist influence. If contained in this fashion, Kennan believed that the Soviet Union would collapse due to internal forces.
   Kennan’s ideas were largely accepted by President Truman in his speech to Congress in March 1947 asking for aid for Greece and Turkey, in which the president enunciated what became known as the Truman Doctrine. This was followed in 1948 by the Marshall Plan providing economic assistance for Western Europe. However, containment took on a more military aspect as a result of the Berlin blockade in 1949 and the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. After the fall of China in 1949, the policy extended to Asia and the development of a series of regional alliances (the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization in 1954 and the Central Treaty Organization in 1959), but it led to U.S. involvement in war after the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950, and ultimately it can be argued that it saw the growing commitment to resist communism in Vietnam that led to greater conflict in the 1960s.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Containment — Con*tain ment, n. 1. That which is contained; the extent; the substance. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The containment of a rich man s estate. Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. the act of containing. [PJC] 3. (Diplomacy) the act or policy of restricting the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Containment — bedeutet Eindämmung bzw. Zusammenhalten und bezeichnet eine Aggregation in der Informatik eine Sicherheitseinrichtung in Kernkraftwerken, siehe Sicherheitsbehälter einen Teil der Truman Doktrin gegen die Ausbreitung des Kommunismus: Containment… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • containment — [kən tān′mənt] n. a containing or being contained; esp., a) the policy of attempting to prevent the influence of an opposing nation or political system from spreading b) the U.S. post WWII policy of checking the political and territorial… …   English World dictionary

  • Containment — См. Контейнмент Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • containment — index blockade (enclosure), constraint (imprisonment), enclosure, quota, restraint, restriction …   Law dictionary

  • containment — 1650s, action or fact of containing, from CONTAIN (Cf. contain) + MENT (Cf. ment). As an international policy of the West vs. the Soviet Union, recorded from 1947 …   Etymology dictionary

  • containment — ► NOUN ▪ the action of keeping something harmful under control …   English terms dictionary

  • Containment — This article is about the United States policy. For other uses, see Containment (disambiguation). A 1962 nuclear explosion as seen through the periscope of a U.S. Navy submarine. Containment was a United States policy using military, economic,… …   Wikipedia

  • containment — [[t]kənte͟ɪnmənt[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Containment is the action or policy of keeping another country s power or area of control within acceptable limits or boundaries. 2) N UNCOUNT: usu N of n The containment of something dangerous or unpleasant is… …   English dictionary

  • containment — /keuhn tayn meuhnt/, n. 1. the act or condition of containing. 2. an act or policy of restricting the territorial growth or ideological influence of another, esp. a hostile nation. 3. (in a nuclear power plant) an enclosure completely surrounding …   Universalium

  • Containment — Con|tain|ment 〈[ tɛın ] n. 15〉 1. äußere Betonhülle um Kernreaktoren 2. 〈Pol.〉 Eindämmung, Begrenzung [engl., „Abwehr“] * * * Containment   [kən teɪnmənt; englisch »Eindämmung«] das, s/ s,    1) Geschichte: die namentlich von G. F. Kennan 1947… …   Universal-Lexikon

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