Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Gary
   Born Frank James Cooper in Helena, Montana, the movie star was educated in England and was 21 when he went to Grinnell College in Iowa. In 1924, he began work as a cowboy in Tom Mix Westerns. He changed his name in 1926 and finally achieved some recognition in The Winning of Barbara Worth (1926). He starred with Clara Bow in several films and gradually made the transition to talkies with the lead role in The Virginian (1929), The Texan (1930), Morocco (1930), and others. In 1932, he starred in the lead role in the film version of Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, and in 1933 he partnered with Joan Crawford in Today We Live. In 1936, his portrayal of the simple idealist in Frank Capra’s Mr. Deeds Goes to Town had enormous appeal to Great Depression audiences.
   By the 1940s, Cooper was the highest paid star in Hollywood, and he had big hits with Meet John Doe, Sergeant York, and Ball of Fire, all made in 1941. He won an Oscar for his part in Sergeant York, the story of the World War I pacifist turned war hero. He also had huge box office success in the film of Hemingway’s story of an American in the Spanish Civil War, For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), where again quiet, unassuming idealism marked the hero’s role. Increasingly, however, Cooper’s work seemed outdated, and it appeared that his career was in terminal decline until he appeared as the main character in the Cold War allegory High Noon in 1952, and won a second Oscar. He continued to make films throughout the 1950s despite his obvious declining health. He died of cancer and was mourned by millions.
   See also Cinema.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • COOPER, Gary — (1901–1961)    Born in Montana, Gary Cooper had a long career in Hollywood, starring in nearly every film genre. He was nominated for five Academy Awards and won two. He was also awarded an Honorary Academy Award just months before his death in… …   Westerns in Cinema

  • Cooper, Gary — orig. Frank James Cooper born May 7, 1901, Helena, Mont., U.S. died May 13, 1961, Los Angeles, Calif. U.S. film actor. He moved to Hollywood in 1924 and played minor roles in low budget westerns before becoming a star with The Virginian (1929).… …   Universalium

  • Cooper, Gary — ► (1901 61) Seudónimo de Frank J. Cooper, actor cinematográfico estadounidense. Películas: Sargento York y Solo ante el peligro, entre otras. * * * orig. Frank James Cooper (7 may. 1901, Helena, Mont., EE.UU.–13 may. 1961, Los Ángeles, Cal.)… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Cooper, Gary — pseud. di Cooper, Frank James …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Cooper, Gary — • КУ ПЕР (Cooper) Гари (наст. имя Фрэнк Джеймс) (7.5.1901 13.5.1961)    амер. актёр. Учился в Великобритании и в США. Был художником карикатуристом. Первая крупная роль в ф. Завоевание Барбары Уорт (1926). В нач. 30 х гг. стал одним из ведущих… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Cooper,Gary — Coo·per (ko͞oʹpər, ko͝opʹər), Gary. 1901 1961. American actor who gained fame for his portrayals of strong, quiet heroes. He won an Academy Award for Sergeant York (1941) and High Noon (1952). * * * …   Universalium

  • Gary Cooper — en High Noon en 1952. Nombre real Frank James Cooper Nacimiento 7 de mayo de 1901 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gary Cooper (MLB third baseman) — Gary Cooper was born on Thursday, August 13, 1964, in Lynwood, California. Cooper was 27 years old when he broke into the big leagues on September 15, 1991, with the Houston Astros. =Birth Name: Gary Clifton Cooper Nickname: None Born On: 08 13… …   Wikipedia

  • Cooper — Cooper, Gary Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, Leon N. * * * (as used in expressions) Cooper Creek, río Cooper Union (for the Advancement of Science and Art) Cooper, Alfred Duff, 1 vizconde Norwich de Aldwick Cooper, Dame Gladys Cooper, Gary Frank… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gary Cooper — This article is about the film actor. For other uses, see Gary Cooper (disambiguation). Gary Cooper in High Noon (1952) Born Frank James Cooper May 7, 1901 …   Wikipedia

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