Works Progress Administration

Works Progress Administration
   The Works Progress Administration, which became the Works Project Administration from 1939 onward, was established on 6 May 1935 with an initial appropriation of $4.8 billion to provide federal work relief, the largest single appropriation in U.S. history. Headed by Harry Hopkins, the WPA eventually spent more than $8 billion and employed a total of 8 million people, building thousands of public buildings, hundreds of airports, and thousands of miles of road before it came to an end on 4 December 1942.
   The WPA also provided work for those in the arts under Federal One and the Federal Writers’ Project, Federal Theater Project, Federal Art Project, and Federal Music Project that together employed 40,000 workers. Critics accused the WPA of encouraging left-wing causes and inefficiency and waste in useless tasks or “boondoggling.” In 1939, the administration was renamed and relocated to the Federal Works Agency. Hopkins resigned in 1938 and was replaced by Francis C. Harrington. After 1941, the WPA focused more on war-related projects before it was given what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called an “honorable discharge.” It was one of the most significant New Deal agencies.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Works Progress Administration — The Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1939 the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest New Deal agency, employing millions of people and affecting most every locality in the United States, especially rural and western mountain… …   Wikipedia

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  • Works Progress Administration — Der WPA Künstler Alfred Catagne porträtiert WPA Straßenarbei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Works Progress Administration — (abbr the WPA) a US government programme (1935–43) established by President Franklin D Roosevelt as part of his New Deal(1). Its name was later changed to the Works Projects Administration. It created millions of jobs for unemployed people during …   Universalium

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  • (the) Works Progress Administration — the Works Progress Administration [the Works Progress Administration] (abbr the WPA) a US government programme (1935–43) established by President Franklin D Roosevelt as part of his ↑New Deal. Its name was later changed to the …   Useful english dictionary

  • Works Projects Administration — Work Projects Administration La Works Projects Administration ou WPA (créée sous le nom de Works Progress Administration) était la principale agence instituée dans le cadre du New Deal. Elle fut créée le 6 mai 1935, par un ordre présidentiel (le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Works Progress Administration. — See WPA. * * * …   Universalium

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