Tugwell, Rexford Guy

Tugwell, Rexford Guy
   Rexford Tugwell, who was born in Sinclairville, New York, was a graduate of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. He was briefly a professor at Washington University and the American University in Paris, before taking the post of professor of economics at Columbia University, which he held from 1920 until 1937. In 1932, he joined President Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust” and became undersecretary of agriculture. In 1935, he became head of the Resettlement Administration but resigned in 1937 because of the criticism the agency received. After a year in business, he became a member of the New York Planning Commission. In 1942, he was appointed governor of Puerto Rico and served until 1946. From 1946 until 1957, Tugwell was professor at the University of Chicago and then a member of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, California. He retired in 1964. Tugwell authored 20 books, including The Democratic Roosevelt (1957) and The Brains Trust (1968).

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Tugwell, Rexford Guy — ▪ American economist born July 10, 1891, Sinclairville, N.Y., U.S. died July 21, 1979, Santa Barbara, Calif.  American economist, one of the three members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt s (Roosevelt, Franklin D.) so called Brain (Brain Trust) …   Universalium

  • Rexford Guy Tugwell — Rexford Tugwell Rexford Guy Tugwell (10 juillet 1891 – 21 juillet 1979) était un économiste américain. Il entra dans le Brain Trust du président Franklin Delano Roosevelt et fut en charge de la Resettlement Administration. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rexford Tugwell — Rexford G. Tugwell Rexford Guy Tugwell (* 10. Juli 1891 in Sinclairville, New York, USA; † 21. Juli 1979 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war ein Agrarökonom und Mitglied einer Gruppe von Akademikern der Columbia Universität …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rexford G. Tugwell — Rexford Tugwell Rexford Guy Tugwell (10 juillet 1891 – 21 juillet 1979) était un économiste américain. Il entra dans le Brain Trust du président Franklin Delano Roosevelt et fut en charge de la Resettlement Administration. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Rexford Tugwell — Rexford Guy Tugwell (village de Sinclairville, Comté de Chautauqua (New York) le 10 juillet 1891 – 21 juillet 1979) était un économiste américain. Il entra dans le Brain Trust du président Franklin Delano Roosevelt et fut… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tugwell —   [ tʌgwel], Rexford Guy, amerikanischer Politiker und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, * Sinclairville (N. Y.) 10. 7. 1891, ✝ Santa Barbara (Calif.) 21. 7. 1979; lehrte 1920 37 Volkswirtschaft an der Columbia University in New York; befürwortete… …   Universal-Lexikon

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