Landon, Alfred Mossman

Landon, Alfred Mossman
   Alfred, better-known as “Alf,” Landon was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Ohio, and moved to Independence, Kansas. He obtained his law degree from the University of Kansas in 1908 and then worked in banking and the oil industry, a career he resumed after serving briefly in the army in 1918. Involved in politics as a progressive, Landon later returned to the Republican Party and was secretary to Governor Henry Allen in 1922 and organizer of the gubernatorial campaigns of William Allen White and Clyde M. Reed in 1924 and 1928. He was chosen as chair of the Kansas Republican Party that year but was pushed out by conservatives in 1930. Nonetheless, in 1932 he was elected governor in his own right defeating Democratic incumbent Harry Woodring. Landon implemented measures to counter the Great Depression, including a moratorium on farm mortgage foreclosures, restriction on bank withdrawals, regulation of utilities, and conservation of natural resources, while maintaining a balanced budget. He was the only Republican governor to be reelected in 1934.
   In 1936, Landon was chosen as the Republican presidential candidate. While he was critical of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s deficit spending and advocated government efficiency and a balanced budget, his platform was a moderate reform one. He lost overwhelmingly and did not run for public office again. He served as vice chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Inter-American Conference in Lima, Peru, in 1938 and continued to speak on political matters right through the 1960s.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Landon,Alfred Mossman — Lan·don (lănʹdən), Alfred Mossman. Known as “Alf.” 1887 1987. American politician who served as governor of Kansas (1933 1937) and ran unsuccessfully for President on the 1936 Republican ticket. * * * …   Universalium

  • Alfred Mossman Landon — Alf Landon Alfred Mossman „Alf“ Landon (* 9. September 1887 in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania; † 12. Oktober 1987 in Topeka, Kansas) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Politiker der Republikaner. 1936 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alfred Landon — Alf Landon Alfred Mossman „Alf“ Landon (* 9. September 1887 in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania; † 12. Oktober 1987 in Topeka, Kansas) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Politiker der Republikaner. 1936 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alfred M. Landon — Alf Landon Alfred Mossman „Alf“ Landon (* 9. September 1887 in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania; † 12. Oktober 1987 in Topeka, Kansas) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Politiker der Republikaner. 1936 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alfred Landon — Alf Landon Pour les articles homonymes, voir Landon. Alf Landon Alfred Mossman Alf Landon (9 septembre  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Alfred M. Landon — Alf Landon Pour les articles homonymes, voir Landon. Alf Landon Alfred Mossman Alf Landon (9 septembre  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Landon, Alf — orig. Alfred Mossman Landon born Sept. 9, 1887, West Middlesex, Pa., U.S. died Oct. 12, 1987, Topeka, Kan. U.S. politician. He received a law degree from the University of Kansas in 1908 and entered the oil business in 1912. He became active in… …   Universalium

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  • Landon, Alf — orig. Alfred Mossman Landon (9 sep. 1887, West Middlesex, Pa., EE.UU.–12 oct. 1987, Topeka, Kan.). Político estadounidense. Se tituló de abogado en la Universidad de Kansas en 1908 y en 1912 ingresó a la industria del petróleo. Tuvo participación …   Enciclopedia Universal

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