German Democratic Republic
- German Democratic Republic
On 7 October 1949, Soviet occupation forces in East Germany established the GDR in response to the earlier creation of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in West Germany. It was governed by the communist Socialist Unity Party and joined the Soviet-led economic bloc, COMECON, in 1950 and the Warsaw Pact in 1955. The imposition of Soviet-style institutions and a police state led many people to flee West until the border was closed in 1952. A workers’ uprising in East Berlin was brutally suppressed in 1953, and the continued flow of refugees through West Berlin led to the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Improved relations with the FRG led to mutual recognition in 1972 and the inclusion of both states in the United Nations in 1973. Popular unrest continued, however, and in 1989 mass demonstrations brought about the collapse of the communist regime, the disassembling of the Berlin Wall, and paved the way to reunification in 1990.
Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era .
Neil A. Wynn .
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German Democratic Republic — (GDR) At the end of World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union was left in control of the eastern half of Germany. By 1949 the Soviets had managed to convert the zone into a fully fledged, independent communist country, one that was to rigidly… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
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German Democratic Republic — noun a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic; established by the Soviet Union in 1954; reunified with West Germany in 1990 • Syn: ↑East Germany • Instance Hypernyms: ↑European country, ↑European nation • Member Meronyms: ↑East German … Useful english dictionary
German Democratic Republic — official name of East Germany. * * * byname East Germany, German Deutsche Demokratische Republik, or Ostdeutschland, former country (1949–90) that constitutes the northeastern section of present day Germany (q.v.). * * * … Universalium
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