Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Federal Emergency Relief Administration
   Established in May 1933 by the Federal Emergency Relief Act, FERA was empowered to distribute $500 million in relief, matching every $3 of local money with $1 of federal funds. Headed by Harry Hopkins, FERA established a Works Division with federal work programs that gave work directly to more than 2 million people, distributed funds, and provided for rural rehabilitation. By 1935, FERA had distributed more than $2 billion in relief. However, it was viewed by many as extravagant, a threat to the authority of the states, and an encouragement for the idle. Increasingly seen as a political liability, FERA came to an end in 1935, but some of its functions were later taken over by the Works Progress Administration.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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