American Civil Liberties Union
- American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU was founded in 1920 by social reformers, including Roger Baldwin, Jane Addams, Crystal Eastman, and Clarence Darrow. It was established to preserve civil liberties guaranteed under the Bill of Rights of the Constitution, namely, freedom of speech, press, and religion. During the 1920s, the ACLU supported John Scopes in the famous “Scopes Money Trial” (1925) and also Italian anarchists Ferdinando Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1927). It was involved in the defense of the Scottsboro Boys in the 1930s. In 1933, the ACLU played a significant role in the case permitting James Joyce’s book Ulysses to be allowed into the United States.
From 1936 to 1943, the ACLU provided assistance to the Jehovah’s Witnesses in their campaign to allow children to be exempted from saluting the national flag on religious grounds. The Supreme Court found in favor of the flag salute requirements in 1940 but reversed itself in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette in1943. During World War II, the ACLU helped represent the Japanese Americans challenging wartime internment in the cases of Korematsu v. United States and Hirabayashi v. United States. During the Cold War years, the ACLU challenged the federal loyalty program and led the opposition to loyalty oaths in a number of states. However, the organization was divided during this period, with some members, including one of its founders, Roger Baldwin, supporting anticommunist measures.
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American Civil Liberties Union — n. A national organization dedicated to protecting constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties. abbrv. ACLU The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. American Civil… … Law dictionary
American Civil Liberties Union — Union américaine pour les libertés civiles Logo de ACLU Contexte général Champs d action Défense des droits de l homme … Wikipédia en Français
American Civil Liberties Union — Fo … Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union — Die American Civil Liberties Union (kurz ACLU, engl. „Amerikanische Bürgerrechtsunion“) ist eine US amerikanische Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO), die seit 1920 besteht. Sie setzt sich für Bürgerrechte und generell für Anliegen des Liberalismus … Deutsch Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft (2004) — American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft (filed April 9, 2004 in the United States) is a lawsuit filed on behalf of an unknown party by the American Civil Liberties Union against the U.S. federal government. The unknown party, an Internet… … Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union v. Department of Defense — ( ACLU v. DoD ), is a case in United States Federal Court wherein the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency under the Freedom of Information Act for the release of still secret materials … Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft — For the similarly named 2002 case dealing with protection of minors, see Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft (filed April 9, 2004 in the United States) is a lawsuit filed on behalf of a formerly… … Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union v. Ashcroft (2002) — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=ACLU v. Ashcroft ArgueDate=November 28 ArgueYear=2001 DecideDate=May 13 DecideYear=2002 FullName=John Ashcroft, Attorney General v. American Civil Liberties Union, et al. USVol=535 USPage=564 Citation=122 S. Ct.… … Wikipedia
American Civil Liberties Union — an organization founded in 1920 to defend the civil rights of all U.S. citizens. Abbr.: ACLU, A.C.L.U. * * * ▪ American organization organization founded by Roger Baldwin (Baldwin, Roger Nash) and others in New York City in 1920 to champion … Universalium
Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Reno v. ACLU ArgueDate=March 19 ArgueYear=1997 DecideDate=June 26 DecideYear=1997 FullName=Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, et al. v. American Civil Liberties Union, et al. USVol=521 USPage=844 Citation=117… … Wikipedia