Civilian Conservation Corps

Civilian Conservation Corps
   Created on 31 March 1933, during the “First Hundred Days” of the New Deal, the CCC was a program that aimed to tackle the problems of unemployed youth and at the same time rectify some of the causes of soil erosion through reforestation, irrigation, and flood and fire control schemes. Young men (women were only included at Eleanor Roosevelt’s insistence and some 8,500 participated) between the ages of 17 and 25 were recruited for a six month period from the relief rolls by the Department of Labor and transported to one of 2,600 camps. After protests by black leaders, African Americans were included in proportion to their numbers in the population (about 11 percent) and some 200,000 participated but in segregated camps.
   Supervised by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior and coordinated by Robert Fechner and the CCC staff, workers were involved in conservation projects like the planting of 200 million trees in the reforestation of 17 million acres of land. Workers were paid $30 per month, $25 of which was sent home. By the time the scheme came to an end in 1943, the CCC had employed more than 3 million single men.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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