Chambers, (David) Whittaker

Chambers, (David) Whittaker
   Born Jay Vivian Chambers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Whittaker Chambers worked a number of different jobs under different names before enrolling at Columbia University in 1919. He left without graduating in 1923. In 1925, Chambers joined the Communist Party of the United States of America and worked as a journalist for the Daily Worker, and in 1931 he became editor of the New Masses. In 1933, he and his wife went to Moscow, where he was trained as a spy. By the late 1930s, Chambers appeared to have defected from the party and was attempting to expose communists working in the United States to government officials. He began working for Time magazine in 1939 and became an editor. In August 1948, he appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee and gave evidence accusing a former State Department official, Alger Hiss, of passing secret material to him in the 1930s. Challenged to produce evidence, Chambers revealed to an investigating committee led by Congressman Richard M. Nixon microfilmed papers incriminating Hiss that had been hidden in a pumpkin at his farmhouse. Following Hiss’s conviction, Chambers left Time, and after writing his autobiography Witness in 1952, he joined the National Review in 1957 as a senior editor. While for defenders of Hiss he remained a liar and fraud, for others he was an American hero. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan awarded him a posthumous Medal of Freedom.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Chambers, (David) Whittaker — orig. Jay Vivian Chambers born April 1, 1901, Philadelphia died July 9, 1961, near Westminster, Md., U.S. U.S. journalist and principal figure in the Alger Hiss case. He joined the Communist Party in 1923 and worked at various times as an editor… …   Universalium

  • Chambers, (David) Whittaker — orig. Jay Vivian Chambers (1 abr. 1901, Filadelfia, EE.UU.–9 jul. 1961, cerca de Westminster, Md.). Periodista estadounidense, figura principal en el caso Alger Hiss. Ingresó al Partido Comunista en 1923 y en distintas épocas fue director de New… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Chambers, (Jay David)Whittaker — Cham·bers (chāmʹbərz), (Jay David) Whittaker. 1901 1961. American journalist and onetime member of the Communist Party who testified before the House Un American Activities Committee (1948), where he implicated Alger Hiss. * * * …   Universalium

  • David — (rey de Israel) V. «lágrimas de David». * * * David. □ V. estrella de David, lágrimas de David. * * * Esta página se refiere al rey bíblico de Israel. Para otros significados del término véase David (desambiguación). David (דָּוִד Amado ) fue el… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Chambers — /chaym beuhrz/, n. 1. Robert, 1802 71, Scottish publisher and editor. 2. Robert William, 1865 1933, U.S. novelist and illustrator. 3. Whittaker (Jay David Chambers), 1901 61, U.S. journalist, Communist spy, and accuser of Alger Hiss. * * * (as… …   Universalium

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  • Chambers — (as used in expressions) Chambers, (David) Whittaker Jay Vivian Chambers Chambers, Robert y William …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Whittaker Chambers — in 1948 Allegiance Soviet Union; then U.S.A. Service Communist underground controlled by …   Wikipedia

  • Whittaker — is a surname and given name, and may refer to: * Charles Evans Whittaker (1901–1973), associate justice of the U.S. Supreme court from 1957 to 1962 * David Whittaker (born 1957), computer game programmer * E. T. Whittaker (1873–1956), English… …   Wikipedia

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