Browder, Earl Russell

Browder, Earl Russell
   Born in Wichita, Kansas, Earl Browder joined the Socialist Party in 1906, and in 1914 he formed the League for Democratic Control to oppose U.S. entry into World War I. In 1917, he was jailed for two years for draft evasion. Browder joined the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), went to Moscow in 1921, and was editor of the Labor Herald until 1926. He went to China in 1926 to organize communist trade unions. Upon his return in 1929, he joined the ruling council of the CPUSA and in 1934 became general secretary. He led the call for a united front against fascism, and in 1935 at Moscow’s behest, this became the more inclusive Popular Front. Browder ran in the presidential election of 1936 but obtained a mere 80,159 votes. The Popular Front came to a rapid end when the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany in August 1939. Browder and the party opposed any involvement in the conflict in Europe, until 1941 when they became committed to all-out support. These swings in position did nothing to enhance support for the CPUSA, and in the election of 1940 Browder’s vote was down to 46,251. In 1941, Browder was jailed for 18 months for passport fraud, but his sentence was commuted in the interests of national unity. In 1944, he declared the Communist Party no longer necessary and replaced it with the Communist Political Association. He was expelled from the CPUSA and replaced by William Z. Foster in 1945.

Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era . . 2015.

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  • Browder, Earl Russell — (1891–1973)    A leader of the American communist movement in the 1930s through World War II, Browder also played an important role in Soviet espionage. Browder, whose NKVD code names were “Helmsman” and “Father,” was an important link between… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Browder, Earl (Russell) — born May 20, 1891, Wichita, Kan., U.S. died June 27, 1973, Princeton, N.J. U.S. Communist Party leader (1930–44). He was imprisoned in 1919–20 for his opposition to U.S. participation in World War I. In 1921 he joined the U.S. Communist Party; he …   Universalium

  • Browder, Earl (Russell) — (20 may. 1891, Wichita, Kan., EE.UU. –27 jun. 1973, Princeton, N.J.). Dirigente del Partido Comunista estadounidense (1930–44). Estuvo preso en 1919–20 por oponerse a la participación de EE.UU. en la primera guerra mundial. En 1921 ingresó al… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Earl Russell Browder — (May 20, 1891 ndash; June 27, 1973) was a United States communist and General Secretary of the Communist Party USA from 1934 to 1945. He was expelled from the party in 1946. Early years Born in Wichita, Kansas, Browder joined the Socialist Party… …   Wikipedia

  • Earl Browder — Earl Russell Browder (* 20. Mai 1891 in Wichita, Kansas; † 27. Juni 1973 in Princeton, New Jersey) war ein US amerikanischer Sozialist, Präsidentschaftskandidat und Führer der Kommunistischen Partei der USA (CPUSA). In …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Russell — /rus euhl/, n. 1. Bertrand (Arthur William), 3rd Earl, 1872 1970, English philosopher, mathematician, and author: Nobel prize for literature 1950. 2. Charles Edward, 1860 1941, U.S. journalist, sociologist, biographer, and political leader. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Earl — (as used in expressions) James Earl Breslin Browder, Earl (Russell) Bulwer Lytton, Edward (George Earl) Burger, Warren E(arl) James Earl Carter Dodge, William E(arl) Hines, Earl (Kenneth) Jones, James Earl Earl Powell Ray, James Earl Warren, Earl …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Browder — /brow deuhr/, n. Earl Russell, 1891 1973, U.S. Communist party leader 1930 45. * * * browder, re obs. forms of broider v …   Useful english dictionary

  • Browder — /brow deuhr/, n. Earl Russell, 1891 1973, U.S. Communist party leader 1930 45. * * * …   Universalium

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